Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Well well . . . the ball has dropped, Miley sang Wrecking Ball again, and the bird-counter starts over at ZERO.  Happy New Years everyone!!! Eat pork and kraut today.

What a great year 2013 was. I got to travel to 7 total states including Ohio, and see friends and family. I wanted to give a year in review and talk about plans for 2014.

I finished my 2013 Big Year at #338, which included 16 life birds, bringing me to a total of #532 Lifers for ABA. Not bad considering how much I did not bird. I just made a habit out of every place we went for vacation, I would take a couple of early AM hours and bird.

Big accomplishments:
136 species in Texas in March in 5 days
198 species in March, OH TX FL, goal was 200
  94 species in 24hrs of birding at Biggest week in American Birding--Team Dickcissel
  16 life birds

Places to visit in 2014:
March--Key West maybe
May--Big Month, Ohio/Colorado/Delaware-goal is 200 species
June--Seattle/Tacoma WA
Aug/Sept--Hawaii maybe
Oct late--Seattle/Edmunds WA

Team Dickcissel with Red&Louise Gambill in LRGV March13'

Rarest bird of the year, Code #4 Crimson Collard Grosbeak from Mexico

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