Monday, September 1, 2014

Life Bird #554

Egyptian Goose!!! ABA #554 Probably will be listed as a code 2 bird. It was originally on the Exotics list for years, but finally the ABA has voted to add it to the checklist, only if you've seen it in southeast Florida. And that I did!!  Back on March 28, 2014, I was in Florida, (see my April blog post), at the Wakodahatchee Wetland, and this big beautiful goose flew right up to me and landed on the railing. So I took a picture and moved on.

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca
a must visit place in Florida if you can

Above is the blog post regarding the add. Excerpt below:

Yesterday, the ABA Checklist Committee (CLC) unanimously (8–0) accepted the Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) as an established exotic in southeastern Florida (Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties. The Egyptian Goose is species #986 on the ABA Checklist

This puts my #BIGYEAR2014 number at #308 for the year!!
#304 Pectoral Sp
#305 Stilt Sp
#306 Black Tern
#307 Hudsonian Godwit
#308 Egyptian Goose

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