Sunday, June 23, 2019

#620 Swainson's Warbler in O-H-I-O

"Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town
And everybody yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down
Sloopy I don't care, what your daddy do
Cause you know Sloopy, girl, I'm in love with you
 And so I sing out" -- The McCoys, 1965

My Sloopy bird for the year finally showed up here in Ohio. After birding most my entire life, I've seen a lot of birds. Almost every year, I can count on Ohio bringing a life bird my way. What a great state!!

2018--Iceland Gull 2017--Calliope Hummer & Long-tailed Jeager  2016--Curlew Sandpiper  2015--Brambling & Black-headed Gull  2014--Northern Wheater

so now was does 2019 have for me?!?

Swainson's Warbler, male


Limnothlypis swainsonii

A heavyset warbler of southern swamps and forested ravines, the Swainson’s Warbler has a bold, ringing song but tends to remain frustratingly hidden in the understory. This brownish songbird isn’t as brilliantly colored as other warblers, but males have a subtle chestnut tone in the crown and sometimes a lemon-yellow wash below. The species forages mostly in dense vegetation on or near the ground, where it uses its hefty bill to turn over leaves in search of insects and spiders.

Back on May 13th, a local birder in the Dayton area was checking the Tecumseh trail in New Carlisle, OH . . and heard the very distinct call of a Swainsons'

This young male has set up shop and the entire state of Ohio and birders afar have come to hear this bird first, then see slight glimpses, then maybe get great pictures like these. Bird was last reported June 18th, even after the Dayton Tornados on May 27th . . it survived.

7th Ohio bird reported ever on Ebird archives?  GreenLawn Cemetery 1985.

Rare for Ohio

Family history

Buddy Gambill--saw it after 1981, no exact record
Red & Louise--#650 in 1983, 85', 87'

Wow, mine was #620 and R&L was so close at #650


Mr. 620 Birds & 510 HP XKR Jaguar

So now that I'm at 620 ABA traditional area for life birds. What to do from here? Where to go from here?

Next Update: Plan of Bird Action to #700⇺🐦🐦

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