Sunday, April 24, 2016


With the recent pictures of several Henslow's sparrows singing at Slate Run Metro Park in Canal Winchester, I wanted to get over and see the birds. But I didn't make time. I have not seen a Henslow's since 2014 at Magee Boardwalk. So I checked for local reported sightings. I noticed a report from 4/16 of up to 10 birds at Seip Mound in Ross county, right next to Paint Valley High School.  My wife graduated from there, and I was planning on visiting the in-laws for the weekend. So Sunday morning at 8:30, I took the 14 mile trip over to the mound site.

I followed back towards the mound, then to the right and the "interpretative trail" signs towards the field/prairie. Once there, I can see this is perfect habitat for Ammodramus sparrows, and sure enough . . . just listen for

Small songbird

An uncommon and famously inconspicuous bird, the Henslow's Sparrow breeds in weedy grasslands of the east-central United States. Its population numbers have declined steadily over the past few decades, largely because of habitat loss. 
Mostly brownish, with sparsely streaked breast

 Henslow's Sparrow

Large head

Short tail

Henslow's, Magee Marsh 2014

Just after seeing this great FOY bird, I listened for the distinctive sound of another grassland sparrow

Small songbird
Mostly brownish, with an unmarked buffy breast

Dark crown with a pale middle stripe

A furtive bird of open grasslands, the Grasshopper Sparrow takes its name not only from its diet, but also from its insect-like song. It is found during the breeding season across much of the eastern United States and Great Plains, nesting and feeding mostly on the ground.

Grasshopper Sparrow

So a great morning out in the field, making the most of both a family trip, early morning trip, while birding in Ohio. Now I'm off to getting ready for an Arizona trip that will be epic.

Life Bird seen:
Henslow's sparrow--ClearCreek MP, Ohio 5/17/87
Grasshopper sparrow--Arizona 7/29/86  possible first group of 100 recorded birds for me

Next up:  Arizona Hit List

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