Saturday, May 9, 2015

#24Hrs of Birding Pregame

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . start your binoculars!!! It's time for the annual Bird-a-thon here in the great state of Ohio.  The team is gathering, we are well seasoned and ready to #bird. This is the third year our team will attempt a bid day. Each of the last two years have been great. In 2013 we got 94 total species and 2014 was a record setting 122. All Day!! What will 2015 bring?!?

So the plan is this year to start on Sunday May 10th around 3-4pm and finish twenty-four hours later on Monday. The route will stay the same with Big Island, KillDeer Plains the first night, and daybreak at the Magee Boardwalk, followed by Ottawa NWR auto tour, Metzger Marsh and finish back at the east end of the boardwalk.

This year, our team name is Puffin Puffin Passenger Pigeon.   Follow us on twitter @ceogambill or #T4P for live updates.

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