This post is about the amount of "rare birds" you can see when you visit the valley. Several birds are local species, but can only been seen with ease down here. Many of the state parks carry these.
Out of the 158 species that I saw, 22 where Code 2 or higher. That's 14%!! So one out of 14 birds where a birding highlight reel. Here's some good ones . . .
- Rarest bird: Gray-Crowned Yellow Throat--Code 4 ; originally seen by me 4/1/88 @ Sabel Palm San.
1/25/15 originally seen, still showing |
Seen in 88', 04', 05', 06', 15' in ABA |
Code 4: Casual.
Species not recorded annually in the ABA Checklist Area, but with six or more total records—including three or more in the past 30 years—reflecting some pattern of occurrence.
- 2nd rarest bird: Hook-Billed Kite--Code 3 ; originally seen by me 4/1/88 @ Santa Ann NWR
Best shot of my only 3 |
Reported this winter, at the levee at the entrance to Benston SP, up to three different Kites have been reported. Dark morph, light morph/juvi phase birds. Early one morning, at 8:12 am cst on a dry sunny morning, a hush grew over the crowd, then cheering & excitement happened, as the group all got to experience a Hook-Billed Kite soar over. It was beautiful.
As a recent arrival in Texas, this kite seems to require nothing more than undisturbed nest sites and a good supply of tree snails. Probably has declined in many parts of tropical range with clearing of woods.
Flying away, quick 1 min look |
Code 3: Rare
Species that occur in very low numbers, but annually, in the ABA Checklist Area. This includes visitors and rare breeding residents.
Total seen: 158
Code 2s: 17
Code 3s: 4 Hook-bill kite, Apl. Falcon, Trop.Parula, Clay-colored Thrush(Robin)
Code 4: 1 Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
Code 2: species have a restricted North American range, are more widespread, but occur in lower densities, or are quite secretive making their detection often difficult. We readily acknowledge that some Code-2 species are harder to find than some species that have higher codes.
Altamira Orioles Code 2 |
Green Jay Code 2 |
Groove-billed Ani Code 2 |
Common Pauraque Code 2 |
Common Pauraque #2 |
Great Kiskadee Code 2 |
Green Parakeets Code 2 |
White-tailed Hawk Code 2 |
Next up: Winter Texas Birding recap
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