Monday, February 23, 2015

Blendon Woods Bird Walk

It has been so snowy and cold in February this year, that birding has been a real chore. That the sub zero tempatures and wind chill have limited you ability to stand outside, and that's what birding is about--being outside. Lucky, the monthly bird walk at Blendon Woods Metro Park on Februray 8th wasn't cold, in fact, it was warm enough in the 30's to snow 7 inches that day. Check out this great pics of the snow in the pine trees.

zoom in some

zoomed in some more

The best place to view the birds on a snowy and cold day is at the Nature Center and out at the blinds by Thoreau Lake. It's nice to set up your scope and view the waterfoul. No wind either.

Green-winged Teal, front, American Black Duck, rears

Redheaded duck

Canvasback Duck female back, AMB duck front

Blind from a ducks view at us

On the way back to the Nature Center, make sure you stop at the pipeline/cut area and look up at the oak tree. The Red-Headed Woodpecker is making it thru winter, and starting to turn into full male plummage. Let's hope we get to see more of him this spring.

Red-Headed Woodpecker
“flying checkerboard”

So with that, that's about it for 2015 so far. I've been to Blendon twice, Chesire Rd once, and my NY/NJ trip.

 Now I'm think I'm rested up enough for some SUN and WARM temperatures . . . .
off to the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas.  Where & What winter birding is all about!!

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