Friday, November 14, 2014

Grandma & Me

I got the enjoyment of grandma sitting the first week of November. Louise stayed with me for a week and we spent time together. During the week, we got out 3 times in 7 days, and racked up 49 birds with an FOY for me!!  The highlights where six of the seven woodpeckers inclucing Red-headed woodpecker, Brown Creeper, Marsh Hawk, RWBB, Belted Kingfisher, Killdeer and Winter Wren(FOY)

Blendon Woods Metro Park

Pileated Woodpecker

Northern Flicker red shafted

Alum Creek Dam

This puts my #BIGYEAR2014 number at #352 for the year!!

#352  Winter Wren--11/11

Next up: "Between 2 Birds"

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