So off to the summer chase. One the best locations to bird in central Ohio, is on the far west side, off Broad St./SR40 outside the outer belt. It's call Battelle Darby Metro Park. Really, it comes down to the Teal Trail/Harrier Loop and South Kuhlwein Rd wetlands area. There are lots of birds to see there, including many species of sparrows like Grasshopper, Vesper, Savannah, Henslow, Song, Chipping, Field, and Nelson's. It's a great place to bird. I stopped by on June 8th for the reported nesting pair of Blue Grosbeaks. When looking for them, you just have to listen for the grosbeak call, and sure enough, right off the Kuhlwein Rd. parking lot, walking south on the bike path . . .
Male Blue Grosbeak |
better pic, singing away |
After that, I looked for the reported Bells' Vireo in the Teal Trail parking lot, but no bird was there. So, I went up to Heritage Park Trial in Hilliard, where the Bells' Vireo have nested the last 2 years, but no luck yet, but I'm sure later this summer I'll hear them singing there. But I did get a Willow Flycatcher
Willow Empid. singing "fitz-bew" |
A small drab flycatcher of wet, brushy areas, the Willow Flycatcher is best identified by its voice. Nearly identical to the Alder Flycatcher; the two species were considered the same until the 1970s.
On Sunday June 15th, I spent the morning chasing warblers and tanagers that I have missed so far this year. Off the, there where reports from early June of many nesting warblers at Black Hand Gorge State Park in eastern Licking County. I have never been there, but the pictures looked amazing. I contacted fellow birder Charlie Bombaci for details and a map of the trails. I arrived at 8am, and parked in the lot for the Marie Hickory Trail. I walked south along the gravel road, pass a the first oil containers, and heard the distinct call of the Prairie Warbler
Singing Prairie Warbler |
From there I drove over to the main entrance/parking lot of the park, and walked down the paved Blackhand trail. At the marker "D", I walked up the Quarry Rim trail into the woods, about 30 feet, I heard the very distinct call "chuuree, chuuree, churee" of the Kentucky Warbler.
Singing male Kentucky |
So BAMM, I've added three more new year species for the year, bring my BIGYEAR total to #292, with 4 states visited. Not bad so far, my goal is to best 2013's mark of #338. Hopefully with more Ohio summer birding, a Washington trip in October, and maybe an August trip somewhere, I should be able to get 47 more birds. Enjoy the summer, and keep birding
Next up: Life Bird chase to St. Louis, MO for a sparrow??
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