Thursday, February 6, 2014

I do it for the Snow

What a January it has been. Nothing but snow and cold. It was the coldest winter in the last 20 years. We had 17.7 inches of snow for the month.  The average temperature was 22.8 degrees. The coldest day was Tuesday 28th at minus-11 degrees. I mean Cold. I have been wearing thermals during the day at work and outside birding almost everyday.
On the last weekend of 2014 Columbus, Ohio had another one-two punch. On Friday night it snowed 5"s and Saturday was the snowday bailout day. Then Sunday, another 3"s of fresh powder. So me and Mr. Torro where busy tying the record with 7 uses for a winter. Remember, Records are made, and Records are made to be broken!!

full weekend snow total

25 mins. later

Mr. Torro no.7

The olde turn gets her another one

looking west, highest point in Franklin cty?

Next Up: Happy February! Columbus Audobon Birdwalk at Blendon Woods

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