Happy New Year!!! 2022, can you believe it? Wow has the time gone by fast. This post is a recap of the year that was #BigYear2021🐦🐦, all the fun stuff, places visited, good times and future plans. Below are some of the highlights.
Walden pond, Colorado sunset |
Coalmont, CO for Sage Grouse dawn |
- 3 lifers--Wow!! I my lowest year for life birds since starting this thing; 2020--5, 2019--10, 2018--7, 2017--18, 2016--12, 2015--13 new and in 2014 I had 29 lifers. I traveled to Colorado +2 in April, and Ohio produced +1 new lifer!! I am still thankful of the trips taken, birds seen, and friends I've been with making memories and good blog posts! Thank you all and God Bless. That puts me at #629 Life Birds.
Lifer #628 |
Moonlight on Walden |
Lifer Moose?? Saw two running |
I only saw 1 life birds in Ohio in 2021. Fresh back from Colorado, that Sunday night in April. Then working that week at 11am, I had a plan. These Longspurs are now migratory in Ohio in April. Due to all the old corn fields, the birds love to make stops in Madison county, about 45 southwest for me. So I woke up early and follow previous reports to this road, that's between to corn fields, and sure enough . . Boom Smiths Longspurs. Cant' wait to see them in 2022.
Dickcissel near Battelle |
Long eared Owl, Walnut Woods |
Black Turn, OBX NC |
Bodie Island light house, NC |
- 3 states visited--Ohio(+229 foys) Colorado(+ 33 birds), North Carolina (+17 foys)
- 279 total species--Wow, the least amount of species I have seen in a year. No Texas trip, no other state trips, and 50 hour workweeks really hampered my birding in 2021. I did keep track of my "Ohio only" birds this year and got 229! This puts me at a 338.7 species per year average over 9 years.
- STATS In 2013--338; 2014--359; 2015--322; 2016--360; 2017--377; 2018--353; 2019--321; 2020--340; 2021--279
Evening Grosebeaks, rare migrants |
#270 Purple Finch
#271 Cattle Egret
#272 Eurasian Collared Dove--Ohio lifer
#273 Fish Crow--Ohio lifer
#274 Black-legged Kittiwake
#275 Snow Goose
#276 Little Gull
#277 LBBG
#278 Eared Grebe
#279 Allens Hummingbird--Ohio Lifer, second ever Ohio record, in Cinncy, its a far west AZ bird
Allens, banded female |
Allens, still there Jan.22' |
**heard only 2021**
Ringed Neck Pheasant, Sora rail, Eastern Screech Owl(2), Hooded Warbler
Code 3 Little Gull--Hoover Reservoir, Ohio
- Misses--not many of them, especially Ohio species. I birded OHIO strong in January, getting 93 species in the first month!! So in 2022, my goal will be to get them early and keep trying. All the rain Ohio gets now. The shorebird habitat was almost non existent in 2021. Hoover never really drained, Teal Trail never lowered, Pick Ponds was high. It was very bad. Misses included:
- 2022 trips--So far no planned trips, but likely to change.
1. Ohio--Biggest week in American Birding--skipped/closed last 2 years due to COVID, straight line winds in August 2021 tore down a lot of trees, habit has changed.
2. Chase a rarity. Can this be the year of a Code 4 or 5 chase?? Steller Sea Eagle, Northern Lapwing, all LRGV rarities, Bat Falco, Social Flycatcher, Golden-Crown Warbler.