Good morning . . welcome to the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport!!! The local time is 9:10am, west coast time. Well, we're here . . . in Arizona, first time birding here since 1985. I was with my grandparents back then, at an ABA convention I think. I was 8. I remember the vendor booths and seeing 11 life hummingbirds, including the rare Code 4 Plain-capped Starthroat. We visited Cave Creek, Mile High and White Wing Canyons.
Now to 2016. This trip was about making the run with friends, several first of years(FOYs), and targeting LIFE birds. I was only going to be there for 2 1/2 days, so I had to make it count, and I did just that with 6 lifers (previous post). This post I wanted to share other birds I saw, places visited, and how we did it!
Out of the 115 species that I saw, 18 where Code 2. That's 15.6%!! So one out of 15 birds were a birding highlight reel. Here's some good ones . . .
After we got the rent-a-van and breakfast at Jack in the Box, yumm!!! All day breakfast. We where off to the first place
12noon Friday: Encanto Park--11 miles from airport
Rosy-faced Lovebird
Gila Woodpecker
Wilson warbler
Yellow warbler
1pm: Glendale Recharge ponds--the only place with water in the dessert, good place to bird
Redhead duck, N Shoveler, Ruddy duck
Eared grebe
Wilson's Phalarope
Western Wood Pe-wee
WIPH Breeding plumage |
3pm: Thrasher spot, outside Buckeye--met Christian, BigYear2016 birder.
Crissal Thrasher
Abert's Towhee
6pm: Chipotle's, University of Arizona--chicken bowls to go, bring your own food into the canyon
7pm: Drive into Madera Canyon, at sunset
7:30pm: Check-in to Kubo
8pm: Santa Rita Lodge
Elf owl
Bam!! Nesting pair |
Draws a crowd |
9pm: Mt. Wrightson Picnic area--bring a flashlight, it's dark
Northern Pygmy-Owl, heard
Mexican Whip-poor-will, heard 15ft away
5am Saturday: daylight steep hike up Carrie Nation trail, & parking area
Elegant Trogon, heard
Cassin's Vireo
Black-headed Grosbeak
Mexican Jay |
Painted-redstart |
10am: back at Kubo for check-out, birding on front porch
Broad-billed Hummingbird
Magnificent hummer
Cassin's Finch
Hepatic Tanager
Broad-tailed Hummingbird
Madera Kubo B&B |
Quaint and Quite |
#Bramblon |
Cottage #2 |
Broad-billed hummer |
3pm: drove to Sierra Vista mtns, to Fort Huchaura army base
looked for Sinola Wren, but no luck
Townsend Warbler
Black-throated Gray warbler
Spotted Towhee
Ran a background check |
7pm: check into the Ramada Inn at Tucson, dinner at Denny's next door. Great hamburgers
Sunday, 6am: Sibino Canyon
Gilded Flicker
Curve-billed Thrasher
Lucy's Warbler
Curved-billed Thrasher |
8am: Mount Lemmon, Molino Campground, mm 3
Hooded Oriole
10am: Mount Lemmon, Incinerator Ridge, mm 19 1/2
Red-faced Warbler
Olive Warbler
Grace Warbler
Yellow-eyed Junco
Stellar's Jay
Hermit Thrush
Pygmy Nuthatch
Here we are MM 19 1/2 |
8500 ft elevation |
Top of Ridge, looking over backside of mountain |
12noon: Pull off way back down Mt. Lemmon, at Windy Point
Zone-tailed Hawk
4pm: Phoenix south mountain park, near airport
Hermit warbler
Brewer's sparrow
Where's Sam?? |
Dodge Caravan |
Just broke the 7's |
Trip Stats:
55 hours in Arizona
703 miles driven in a van down by the river
23.5 MPG
115 total species
47 FOYs--Notables above
6 LIFERS, now at ABA#585
Next up: Biggest week in American Birding . . . home state OHIO