Bubo scandiacus FOY |
The last Sunday of the year, and it's time for one more trip. Let's make this one count and do it for the boys!?! The lastest reports from
http://birding.aba.org/maillist/OH had reports from
Lorain Harbor and
Impoundment that caused me to head that way at 5:30am. After stopping at McDonald's in Wellington, Ohio--I made it to the place by 8am.
- Snowy Owl--There he/she is. Right there on the pier. Sitting and resting. Ethics and Understang:) This largest (by weight) North
American owl shows up irregularly in winter to hunt in windswept fields
or dunes, a pale shape with catlike yellow eyes. They spend summers far
north of the Arctic Circle hunting lemmings, ptarmigan, and other prey
in 24-hour daylight. In years of lemming population booms they can raise
double or triple the usual number of young
Where you at?? |
Ah hah, nice snowy |
Turn around please |
Thank you |
Found a buddy? |
Hello there |
Artistic? |
I like this one |
Well, one down, one to go here. Now just turn around from the harbor, and behind you is the
Impoundment Lot. Looks right to me!!
Impoundment Lot, Lake Erie borders NE side |
Skyline of Lorain, harbor |
- Common Redpoll ABA Lifer #561--Sure enough, the reports and pictures from FB Birding Ohio has a group of RPs here in the lot. A passing birder said to check the other side of the loop, closer to the Lake Erie side. About half way in, a flock of RPs flew over my head, over the lot and landed on that far side loop, exactly where I was heading. This had to be the birds, nothing else was around, and RPs fly in flocks all the time. Life Bird Check! But I headed over for a closer look, and sure enough . . .
Common RedPoll FOY |
Hello there Mr. RP |
As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest,
Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them
feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These
small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate
erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south
as the central U.S
ABA Lifer #561 |
Common Redpoll, male |
Song Sparrow (R) for comparison |
Look for a small red forehead patch, black feathering around a yellow
bill, and two white wingbars. Males have a pale red vest on the chest
and upper flanks.
2 FOYs down, one of which is a life bird, and I chased down a flock of them. I was Redpoll hunting, the only way to spot Redpolls. What to do next? Well, there was a three bird FOY report from
Maumee SP on Saturday, so lets chase west on Route 2 some 80 miles. I passed
Magee Marsh/Ottawa NWR/Metzger Marsh Retracing the Steps on the way to
10am |
OK, so I've never been here, that I can remember, and the reports are of two owl species and that famous
Northern Shrike I've been hearing about but missing out on. I make a loop around the "closed campground" in the car, and back to parking #7 Hill area, but still no shrike. I park and start walking the loop to the beach area. Bad idea, cold and winder, and an occasional gull, that's it. I make it back inland, and cut through the natural trail paths. I make a cross over and look down another path, and see three birders standing still, staring into a tree/bush area. BANG BANG into the BIRDS. And guess who it is, and what they are looking at?!?
Smile for the camera |
Owl in a what? |
Northern Saw-whet Owl FOY |
small mottled brown, nocturnal |
- Northern Saw-whet Owl--Thanks so much to Ken & Kimberly Kaufman for being in the right place at the right time. It was truly a special day. Enjoying the moment. After all it is all about the Birds.
- Lesser Black-backed Gull-- On the way back down 75 South, you have to cut over Findlay on 15 to get to 23South. So lets' stop at the Reservoirs!! And sure enough out in a raft of Ring-Bills and Herring Gulls
The band "Flock of SeaGulls" |
This puts my #BIGYEAR2014 number at #358 for the year!!
#355 Snowy Owl--12/28
#356 Common Redpoll--12/28
#357 Northern Saw-whet Owl--12/28
#358 Lesser Black-back Gull--12/28
Next up: ABA countable species review for 2014?!? +1 maybe
Need list: no particular order
- Cackling Goose--maybe in a field with 200 Canada's?
Northern Saw-whet Owl 12/28 Holy cow
Snowy Owl--hoping 12/28 Lake Erie run
Short eared Owl--12/1
Lesser Black-backed Gull- 12/28
- Thayers Gull--would be a lifer
- Iceland Gull--would be a lifer
- Glauscous Gull--hoping a return to Alum Creek Beach 12/28-31 like last year
Purple Finch--12/20
- Northern Shrike--floating around KillDeer Plains, tried 12/24&28
- Long earred Owl--missed the 12/12 showing at CMH airport, damn
- Vesper Sparrow
Common Redpoll--12/28 Out of left field, a blessing